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How To Boost Immunity For Women Over 40?

Every woman must remember the correct ways of eating to promote overall health. With age, women will lose muscle mass, change mood, and suffer from other health problems. Therefore, for most women, after the age of 40, their nutritional requirements will change, which also means that diet can affect immunity. Maintaining a healthy body can help them get better and improve their overall health. For the following paragraphs, I'll list out 5 foods to explain what women over 40 years old should eat in order to boost immunity.
Chia seeds

Chia seeds are rich in fiber, omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium for good bone health and complete plant-based protein. Because their ability to absorb water is very good, eating chia seeds can help increase satiety and more easily curb unexpected hunger. Chia seeds can be added to morning smoothie or oatmeal to increase the meal nutritional value.
Citrus fruits
Oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes contain a lot of antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and other nutrients. Studies have shown that these nutrients can improve brain health, help lose weight, protect the heart and keep skin radiant.

They are rich in vitamin D and iron, women always lack those two nutrients. Eggs are also an important source of protein for menopausal women, and they are associated with lower cholesterol levels, heart disease risk and obesity. Moderate fat and high protein content, coupled with a lack of carbohydrates and sugars, make eggs a great choice for women over 40 years old.


Nuts are rich in fiber, have healthy fats and a lot of protein, so they can be made into snacks and can help reduce weight.


As we all know, apples help reduce the body's absorption of excess dietary fats. This can make people feel full for longer. Moreover, it is believed that including apple in the daily diet helps to prevent heart-related problems.
To sum up, those 5 foods are what women over 40 years old should eat in order to boost their immunity and also to improve their overall health, which are chia seeds, citrus fruits, eggs, nuts, and apples.

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